My name is Júlia Fekete, I am a Judicial Expert from 09/10/2013. and my registration number is 009178.
My specialty is: price and value estimation of gemstone and jewelry, consumer goods and cultural goods market price and valuation.
I belong to the Specialty Section of the Budapest Chamber of Experts in the field of jewelery and precious stones.
I have worked for the police, prosecutor’s office and court several times in criminal cases, and I’m doing price and valuation for my business partners.
Works are done on the basis of an official assignment or an entrustment contract.
Generally, we need to answer multiple questions based on the available evidence. It is also possible to have a visit.
A detailed fee request is made for the activity performed and an invoice is issued.
You can get a bid in advance and a specialist consultant can be involved if the case is bulky, complicated.
We can get the Expertise in printed form and electronically.